Wellness in the Workplace

Your toolkit to improve health in the workplace and meet your wellness initiatives


  • 6 Mistakes to Avoid

    Unlock the secrets to a successful wellness program with my free handout, "6 Common Mistakes Most Wellness Programs Make and What to Do Instead." Discover practical solutions to enhance your initiatives and ensure long-term success. Click here to read and start improving your wellness program today.

  • 12-Fixes Challenge Program

    Discover how my dynamic and highly engaging 12-Fix Challenge Program can transform your organization. Designed specifically for businesses seeking to enhance team collaboration, boost productivity, and improve employee health, this program offers a series of exciting group challenges that are both motivating and fun.

  • Challenge Information Sheet

    Get all the details about my transformative 12-Fixes to Healthy Challenge in this comprehensive information sheet. Discover how this 12-week wellness program, designed by a registered dietitian nutritionist, can work for you.

  • 12-Fixes Challenge Options

    Explore the various options of the 12-Fixes to Healthy Challenge with this comprehensive handout. Learn how the 12 Fixes to Healthy book and app can guide and track your progress. Click the button to read and start your work place’s journey to a healthier lifestyle today!

How it works

The 12 Fix Challenge Program is flexible and can be adapted to your work environment. Here’s a brief rundown of how that works.

Let’s Chat

Schedule a free 1 on 1 Wellness consultation

Let’s talk about how your business can improve wellness in the workplace for healthier and happier teams. Increase engagement, productivity and overall health with my 12-Fix Challenge Program.